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Jumat, 05 Desember 2014

Lesson Plan: Suggestopedia

Here, English is a foreign language, so I don’t think this lesson plan is good for other countries.
Objective: Students will be able to play a role and remember at least70% vocabularies in the story
Students: 1st grade of senior high school
Time: 45 minutes
Time Activity Steps
5 minutes Relaxing the body and the mind 1. The teacher opens the class
2. The teacher turns on a classical music
3. The teacher makes relaxing movements and the students follow it.

10 minutes Reading a text 1 One teacher reads the text aloud and slowly, and another teacher play the role
10 minutes Reading text 2 The students close their eyes while the teacher reads the text aloud and slowly
10 minutes Reading text 3 The students read the text aloud and slowly together while one student play the role
10 minutes Giving new vocabularies and then closing the class One teacher gives new vocabularies while one teacher leads the students to the active phase of “concert”

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