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Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

Puntuation Mark: Question Mark

Question Mark (?)

The question mark (also known as an interrogation point, interrogation mark, question point, query, or eroteme), is a punctuation mark that replaces the full stop (period) at the end of an interrogative sentence. For example:
-        What is the meaning of punctuation?
-        How much money did you transfer?
The question mark is also used in question tag. For example:
-         You're French, aren't you?
-         Snow isn't green, is it?
-         He should go and see a doctor, shouldn't he?
The question mark is still used in an interrogative sentence which is transformed into a statement. For example:
-        You don’t really believe that?
-        Are you crazy?

But the question mark is not used for indirect or reported questions as explained in full stop

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Cooper, T., Fallas, J., & Flaherty, F. (2011). English Style Guide: Seventh edition. European Commission.
Englishclub.com. (2013). Punctuation. Retrieved from http://www.englishclub.com/writing/punctuation.htm.
Phythian, B. A. (2012). Correct English: Pedoman Belajar Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta : PT. Indeks.
Wikipedia. (2013). Punctuation. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Punctuation.

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